start a new life!

Have you ever wished you could have a fresh start, put your past behind you? Read More

Got Questions???

Top questions and answers found on Christian websites. Read More

Lessons to Ponder

Biblical scriptures and topics to make you think. Read More

Christian News

Christian news and information from the U.S and around the world Read More

Harvesting for God, One Byte At a Time!

our mission

Make disciples of all people by training, equipping and mobilizing God's people for the harvest field. Matthew 28:19, II Timothy 2:2

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Our Vision

By the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit, to transform the world for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ; to prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.

Mark 1:3

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Partner With Us

Helps us reach the people who live in countries behind closed borders. Jesus said that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.

Luke 24:46-47

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Grace is much more than a get out of jail free card and deeper than simply unmerited favor. It is the Christians offensive weapon.

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Daily Scripture


“Encouraging and thought provoking daily Bible devotional with insights into Christian living” Read More

Lessons to Ponder

“ More than a devotional, less than a sermon; Lessons to Ponder is a look at Biblical scriptures and topics that make you think.” Read More

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Your generosity helps keep us online and continue to spread the Gospel message.

Through our ministry we provide free training material and bibles for those who cannot afford them. With the internet the Gospel can be presented in countries that have closed their boarders to Missionaries.

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